The 4 Goals of Tutoring
Goal 4: Increase Self Esteem

Many Students who seek tutoring have doubts about themselves as learners (and occasionally about themselves in general). Rather than telling Students they are worthwhile, Tutors help Students feel good about themselves by...
  • providing learning experiences that foster mastery of the material. This can be done by using... When Students accomplish difficult (for them) learning tasks, they feel a sense of accomplishment, which increases their self-esteem.
  • communicating their desire to help. Experiencing that someone cares about your welfare makes you feel worthwhile -- that you count. Tutors communicate their desire to help by following the Tutor's Code of Conduct:
    1. Be prepared
    2. Maintain confidentiality
    3. Be on time
    4. Have respect for Students as persons
    5. Maintain professional boundaries
    6. Focus on the Student's concerns and needs
    7. Provide a safe learning environment
When learning is experienced as rewarding, it increases the motivation to learn.