The Prompt-Response Method
Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Tutor Prompt-Student Respond

  1. Focuses attention on the topic -- keeps the session on track.
  2. Focuses attention on the Student, not the Tutor.
  3. The Student is an active learner.
  4. The Tutor can assess the Student's knowledge and understanding.
  5. Demonstrates an effective learning strategy that the Student can apply independently.

Disadvantages of Tutor Prompt-Student Respond

  1. Can turn into a frustrating guessing game (Guess what's in my head?).
  2. Can become an interrogation (Since you don't know A, then do you know B?).
  3. Can be frustrating for the Tutor if the Student doesn't respond.
  4. Student may come to feel inadequate.
  5. Questions may seem like threats.
  6. Questions may be seen as prompts for thought and consideration rather than a response.
  7. Some students respond better to being shown what to know and then asked to repeat it.
  8. Sometimes it is more efficient to exchange information rather than prompt.