The Prompt-Response Method
Prompt-Response Quiz

What Should Emiko Do?
Emiko is tutoring Rajeesh in Biology...

Now that you've read over your notes, explain the difference between an amino acid and a nucleic acid.
Well, an amino acid has amino and carboxyl groups and is used to make proteins, and a nucleic acid is a ring-like thing that makes up DNA.
And the rings are linked by phosphates. That's how the DNA chain is elongated. And RNA, too. Don't forget RNA. You know the difference between DNA and RNA, right? DNA has thymine but RNA has cytosine. Don't forget that!

Quiz Questions

  1. What kind of prompt is Emiko using? Of what is it an example?
  2. What is Emiko doing right?
  3. What is Emiko doing wrong?
  4. What could Emiko have done differently?
  5. What could Emiko do next?

    Tutor Tutor's Comments

    What kind of prompt?

    When she tells Rajeesh to explain, Emiko is using a command

    What is Emiko doing right?

    She's asking Rajeesh to do something rather than listen to her lecture or explain. She's encouraging active learning.

    What is Emiko doing wrong?

    A couple of things...
    1. She ends up lecturing.
    2. When she says "Don't forget that!" she becomes judgmental by implying that Rajeesh has a poor memory or doesn't study.

    What could Emiko have done differently?

    You answer this one. Share your answer(s) with other tutors in your program.

    Hint: What could Emiko have done instead of lecturing and judging to make Rajeesh an active learner and to increase his self-esteem?

    What could Emiko do next?

    • Choose a technique from the Tutor's Bag of Tricks that you think could enhance this tutoring session.
    • Explain your choice.
    • Share your suggestion with other tutors in your program.