20th Anniversary year. Student-Faculty Dinner (five images). (left to right) (image 1) (second from left) Lois Cunningham (Faculty: Sociology)/ (image 3) (at left) Bob Stiff (President)/ (image 4) Jack Greenalch (Vice-President)/ (?) Jane Weidman (Faculty: English)/ (image 5) (arms folded) Jim Stoney (Faculty: Biology) (third from right) Jane Weidman (Faculty: English)
Year Range from
Object ID
Canada College
COPYRIGHT INFORMATION ~ For access to this image, contact the PHLIP project, College of San Mateo Library.
The PHLIP project has been generously supported by the CSM Office of the of the President,
CSM Library, and SMCCCD Office and Colleges. Contact: rundberg@my.smccd.edu   
Last modified on: October 02, 2019