Record 65/238
Faculty at Coyote Point Campus/
(left to right)/
(front row)/
Herrington, Dorothy (French)/
Edla Walter (Head Librarian)/
Stanley Sharp (English, Speech, German)/
Balderston, Elizabeth (Dean of Women)/
Mercer, Harry (English)/
Rempel, David (History, Political Science)/
Hepburn, Samuel (History)/
Pomeroy, George (Physics, Electrical Engineering)/
James Dilley (History, Political Science)/
(second row)/
McAllister, Erford (Journalism, Business)/
Keats, Harry (English, Public Speaking)/
Johnson, Beatrice (English)/
Torpen(Faught), Mary (Assistant Librarian)/
Young, Elmer (Music)/
Koehler, Hugo (German)/
Ross, Robert (History, Sociology)/
(third row)/
Petty, Claude ((English)/
Bissett, Lee (Physical Education)/
Weston, Ruth (Physical Education, Counselor)/
Burrill, Martha (Registrar)/
William Roach (Psychology)/
Archibald, Roy (Political Science)/
(fourth row)/
Morris, Charles (President)/
Taggart, Harold (History, Political Science; Dean of Men)/
Wiederhold, Albert (Philosophy)/
McFadden, Murius (Physical Education, Athletics)/
Averill, Richard (Psychology)/
Fishback, Dell (Physical Education, Athletics)/
Hudson, Herbert(Herb) (Physical Education, Athletics)/
Faculty at Coyote Point Campus
- From 1922 to 1963
- Copyright: College of San Mateo
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