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Transcript Request

Request a Transcript

A transcript is an official record of a student's academic work at Cañada College, College of San Mateo and Skyline College. A single transcript will contain a student's work from all three colleges in the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD).

When requesting a transcript, please choose your home campus if you attended multiple colleges in this District. There is no need to request individual transcripts from each college.

Transcript Services

Transcript Services are provided by Parchment Inc., including transcript order, print, and delivery service. Their service will allow you to request transcripts 24/7.

On behalf of SMCCCD, Parchment Inc. has the authority to fulfill all electronic transcript requests and respond to related inquiries. All PDF transcripts produced through the electronic transcript process are identical to paper transcripts. These PDFs can be certified as unaltered by visiting the website provided during the delivery process.


The first two transcript requests are free; thereafter, transcripts are $5 each.

Processing Time

Most transcript requests are processed within one business day through Parchment Inc.

Delivery Method

Transcripts are sent electronically or mailed using U.S. first class mail.

Requesting an Official Transcript

Current Students

  1. Use your WebSMART account to make your request. For additional login information, please see the How to Log in to WebSMART tutorial.
  2. After login, select Student Records and then select Request Official Transcript.
screenshot of WebSMART student portal with arrow pointing to link labeled request official transcript

Former Students & Third Party

Students without access to WebSMART account, please see below for links to the online Parchment ordering service to complete your transcript request.

When requesting a transcript, please choose your home campus if you attended multiple colleges in this District. There is no need to request individual transcripts from each college.

Requesting an Unofficial Transcript

Current Students

  1. Use your WebSMART account to make your request. For additional login information, please see the How to Log in to WebSMART tutorial.
  2. After login, select Student Records and then select Request Unfficial Transcript.
  3. Verify or enter email address and select continue.
screenshot of WebSMART student portal with arrow pointing to the link labeled request unofficial transcript

Former Students & Third Party

Unofficial transcript option is not available for students without WebSMART account access. For any questions, please contact Admissions & Records as listed below.