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Semester-Long Study Abroad

Coming Soon:

  • Spring 2026 Florence Program to be led by Prof. Lisa Palmer (English, CAN)
  • Fall 2026 London Program | more information soon
  • Spring 2027 Florence and Japan Programs | more information soon

Since 1986, SMCCCD Study Abroad has participated in the Northern California Study Abroad Consortium (NCSAC) to offer semester-long study abroad programs in various destinations in Europe.

The program typically travels to Florence, Italy every spring semester and rotates between Barcelona, Spain and London, England every fall semester.

Courses are pre-articulated with the University of California and California State University systems to ensure transferability and are taught abroad in English by American Community College professors.

Hear from our Study Abroad Students

Are you interested in studying abroad with SMCCD? Learn more about the experience from one of our participants!

Remembering London with Alexa Nielsen

Remembering Florence with Aidan Takeuchi