College of San Mateo Campus Wide - Fire Alarm Upgrade Phase II
Construction Schedule: Completed July 2005
Funding Source(s): Measure C general obligation bond funds, State Capital Outlay funds (Proposition 47)
Description: The existing Autocall fire alarm system was state of the art when the campus was constructed in 1963. However, in 2004 it is no longer code-compliant, spare parts are unavailable, and maintenance of the system has become an increasing concern. Life safety issues are of highest priority with the District and as such the District has worked diligently with the State Chancellor’s Office to successfully secure State funding for this project.
Replacement of the AutoCall fire alarm with a Siemens MXL fully addressable, intelligent fire alarm system will bring College of San Mateo’s life safety system to current code compliance. Siemens MXL is the District’s standard for fire alarm systems.
Status: Complete
Benefits: This upgrade will allow for reliable operation of the fire alarm system. The San Mateo Fire Department is thrilled that the obsolete fire alarm system is being replaced with a system that will allow them to rapidly assess any emergency situation and respond accordingly.