College of San Mateo Solar and Energy Storage Project


            San Mateo County Community College District has released a request for proposal (RFP) for qualified vendors to design and build a 1 megawatt photovoltaic array at the College of San Mateo.  This project, the second large renewable energy project that SMCCCD has embarked upon in the last several years, includes innovative approaches to energy storage and distribution.  The project is funded primarily through a grant from the California Energy Commission with support funds coming from the California Green Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39).


The project will provide clean renewable energy and shaded parking.  The array will be installed over parking stalls in the Beethoven Lot just west of the College of San Mateo Theater and Arts complex.  The Solar and Energy Storage (or Internet of Energy) project includes upgrades to the campus wireless network, security systems, and lighting. Additionally the project will add ten electric vehicle charging stations to the existing campus EV charging infrastructure.

Respondents to the RFP have been asked to provide an educational element to their proposal so that students at CSM and other campuses can use the installation as a living laboratory.


Due to time limitations on the CEC Grant funding, this project has been cancelled. While the Solar and Energy Storage Pilot project did not come to fruition, SMCCD still holds firm its commitment the local and global community. Resource efficiency and renewable energy generation remain the at the heart of this commitment. The Facilities Planning, Maintenance and Operations team, with input and leadership of College and District stakeholders, continue to examine the feasibility of infrastructural improvements that meet our educational needs, reduce cost and align with community interest.

Contact Information

Energy & Sustainability Manager

  Joe Fullerton

Project Manager

  Thomas Lo

Program Engineer

  Sage Renewables
  Tom Williard, Principal