Space Inventories
The California Community Colleges Space Inventory is mandatory pursuant to Education Code Sections 71028, 81800, and 81821(e); Section 71028 states, "The Board of Governors
shall review and approve academic master plans and master plans for facilities for each community college district." A more specific requirement is given in Section
81821(e) which requires, "An annual inventory of all facilities of the district using
standard definitions, forms and instructions adopted by the Board of Governors."
The space inventory as required by statute provides the essential database for examining
utilization of facilities and, as a consequence, the planning for, allocation of,
and addition to the statewide Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan prepared each year.
The space inventory format consists of a facilities inventory list, reports and summaries.
The inventory list provides a room summary for each building plus identifying quantitative
data. The reports are organized with various formats that provide detailed information
on facility identification, room and standard classification data. In addition, the
reports provide detail on the number of rooms, assignable square feet, number of stations
and other facilities data. The summaries give college, district and statewide totals
from report data.