Students First
Equity, Social Justice, and Completion
The San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD), and its three colleges, Cañada College in Redwood City, College of San Mateo in San Mateo, and Skyline College in San Bruno provide access to higher education for the students and communities of San Mateo County, the Silicon Valley, the greater Bay Area, and beyond. The District is committed to the principles of social justice and equity with an intentional focus on ensuring students complete their educational goals, from certification in career education to associate degrees and transfer to four- year universities… on-time! This focus on completion comes from a recognition that the most important factor that contributes to upward social and economic mobility is the attainment of higher education. District Strategic Plan
District Strategic Plan
Develop a robust and comprehensive research, planning and institutional effectiveness infrastructure Districtwide to produce actionable data for use in Districtwide decision-making.
Measure the impact of new and existing College efforts to increase success and equity for all students. Close gaps that result in inequitable outcomes.
Capture the real education goals that students want to achieve and use these goals to determine their subsequent success.
Continually explore and implement interventions that benefit all students, with particular emphasis on students with high potential and limited resources.
Provide clear and distinct pathways for all students, particularly those from underserved populations, to accelerate program completion and successful transitions to work or transfer.
Support the Colleges by providing resources for teaching and support innovations that are designed to increase student success.
Review student placement assessment processes and incorporate multiple measures of assessing the preparedness of new students for college level work for students with the goal of decreasing time needed to achieve one’s goal.
Engage in innovative course scheduling that provides more student options for course completion.
Strategic Goals

Develop and strengthen educational offerings, Interventions, and support programs that increase student access, success, and completion.
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Establish and expand relationships with school districts, 4-year college partners, and community-based organizations and employers to increase higher education attainment and economic mobility in San Mateo County.
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Promote innovation and excellence in instruction to support student learning and success.
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