PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Renovation of building 16 – Coring and material delivery
SCHEDULE: November 14 to 16, 2007
CAMPUS IMPACT: There is potential for some dust and noise within the building during coring along First Floor and Second Floor hallways. DSPS may be accessed through the E entrance of the building.
Material delivery: on Wednesday, November 14, 2007, between 9:00 and 11:00 am materials for the project will be delivered near B28 and received/picked-up by the General Contractor. Impact to pedestrian, vehicular traffic is expected to be minimal during this activity.
PROJECT CONTACT: Please direct any questions or concerns related to this project to:
NAME: Roger Anchartechahar or Sajid Sulaiman
EMAIL: anchartechaharr@smccd.edu; sulaimans@smccd.edu
TELEPHONE: 650.378.7336 0r 650.208.8359
For more information regarding the Capital Improvement Program, please visit the Campus Construction Update page at: http://www.smccd.net/accounts/facilities/planconstruct/default.html
Diane Martinez
Facilities Operations Manager
College of San Mateo
(650) 574-6577; 574-6203 (fax)