Hello everyone – I want to let you know that we have new “tenants” on campus . . . . some staff from the District’s Construction Planning Department (CPD). They have temporarily occupied the old Bookstore and will work from there until its scheduled demolition in 8-10 months.
Members of the CPD staff working from the old Bookstore are -
Alex Acenas - Project Manager for all projects at Cañada College
Jennifer James - Project Coordinator for all projects at Cañada College
Glenn Claycomb - Project Manager for Skyline College CIP2 Design Build Project and oversees all projects at Skyline College
Kanjana Srisupatpongsa - Project Coordinator for all projects at Skyline College
Dat Nguyen - Project Coordinator assisting projects at all three campuses
Lani Sevilla - Staff Assistant for projects at Skyline College and Cañada College
Their contact numbers are -
Alex Acenas - 738-7064
Jennifer James - 738-7065
Glenn Claycomb - 738-7062
Kanjana Srisupatpongsa - 738-7063
Dat Nguyen - 738-7067
Lani Sevilla - 738-7066
Glenn and Kanjana are our ‘go-to’ people and no doubt you will be contacted by either of them as we move forward with planned design and construction on campus.
You can visit CPD’s excellent web site at http://www.smccd.edu/accounts/smccd/departments/facilities/CPDIntro.shtml
I know you join me in welcoming them to our campus. When you get a chance, please drop by and give them a warm Skyline “welcome”. They have a wealth of information regarding our upcoming Capital Improvement construction projects as well as other projects throughout the District.