College of San Mateo |
Buildings 2 and 4 Modernization Project |
Monday, June 9, 2008, through Friday, June 13, 2008. |
Bayview Environmental will begin hazardous abatement of the vinyl floor tiles in the photography department area of Building 4. This is limited to rooms 256, 260, and 263, the faculty restrooms, and the interior hall at the West end of floor 2. The work will take the full week to complete. |
Please direct any questions or concerns related to this project to: |
Pepper Powell |
powellp@smccd.edu |
650 358-6811
Work will be performed by a qualified contractor, Bayview Environmental, who is certified by the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) in the safe containment and removal of asbestos-containing materials. All work areas will be sealed-off completely and monitored. An independent certified asbestos inspector, hired by the District, will monitor the entire work process, to oversee and insure all safety and health regulations and codes are followed, and to test and certify that the air is free and clear of contaminates. The regulatory requirements are intended to ensure the campus community is not exposed to asbestos fibers. |
For more information regarding the Capital Improvement Program, please visit the Campus Construction Update page at: http://www.smccd.net/accounts/facilities/planconstruct/default.html |

Diane Martinez
Facilities Operations Manager
College of San Mateo
(650) 574-6577
(650) 574-6203
Facilities Planning & Operations
Phone: (650) 574-6512
Fax: (650) 574-6574 |
San Mateo County Community College District
3401 CSM Drive
San Mateo CA 94402