Hello everyone – we want to make sure our fire alarm systems are functioning properly and we schedule them to be tested twice a year. The Fire Alarm Safety Division of Siemens Technologies is here today to assist us with testing our fire alarm systems. We had hoped to accomplish the testing last week when no classes were in session, but were not successful due to scheduling conflicts.
This testing will occur – today, Wednesday, June11 from 10 a.m. to4 p.m.
This means that you will hear the alarms going off in our buildings at various times and observe the strobe lights blinking.
This could be disturbing at times . . . but there is no cause for building evacuation or any emergency response.
Pacific Heights, Child Development Center, Portables 3A thru 3E and Loma Chica will not be affected by today’s phase of testing.
Thanks – and enjoy the beautiful summer weather.