Hello everyone – construction will be getting underway to create a walkway around Building 5 so faculty, staff and students do not have to walk around the back of Buidling 5 or thru Building 5 to get to and from main campus.
Construction crews (John Plane Construction) will begin work on Wednesday, August 6, and complete on Thursday, August 14.
Construction will focus in the immediate area at the northwest corner of Building 5 – that’s the corner of Building 5 nearest the Buidling 6 loading dock and dumpster area.
Signage and barricades will be posted. Please avoid that area if possible. There will be no parking impacts nor interrruptions to the loading dock operations for Buildings 5 or 6 during this period.
If you have questions, please contact Dan Sarouhan, District Facilities Project Manager, at sarouhand@smccd.edu, or at (650) 444-6992.