Hello everyone – construction will be getting underway very shortly on our Refuse Management Site, sometimes termed Corp Yard . . . . but in reality and simply put . . . a Garbage Dump Area.
The site will house all of the large debris boxes and dumpsters we take our garbage, recyclable and universal waste materials prior to having it hauled off campus. When the construction is complete, the site will be south of Lot 4, fenced, lighted, and have surveillance cameras. No student parking spaces in Lot 4 will be lost after the project is completed. Lot 4 is that student parking south of the track (on the south side of campus in between the track and SF City/County Jail).
Student parking in Lot 4 will be impacted at times, but at no time will there be a temporary loss of more than 40 spaces in that parking lot with 126 spaces. Lot 4 is our least-used parking lot – except for the 1st week of a semester, it’s never more than ½ full.
The Project Manager for this project is Dan Sarouhan, at the District Facilities Office. The General Contractor is QBuilders. Questions and comments should be directed to Dan at ext 6844.
Take care -