Hi everybody – measurements need to be taken that will determine the stability of the ground underneath our new Automotive Facility, Building 11. A device is pushed from a flatbed truck 100 feet into the ground, and the velocity of shear waves produced by hammering is measured. There will be some occasional hammering noise due to a 180 pound hammer being dropped into the holes.
This operation will start on Friday, October 3 and be completed on Tuesday, October 7.
A small number of parking spaces in Staff Lot 1 will not be accessible, as will the vehicle entranceway into the Automotive Department area.
The picture depicts the affected areas and time periods -

Questions or comment regarding this drilling operation should be sent to Glenn Claycomb, Construction Planning Project Manager for Building 11, at ext 7062 or claycombg@smccd.edu.
Please be careful if you frequent Staff Lot 1 and the Automotive areas. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks -