Hello everybody – me again – with bad news this time. I had announced the Building 3 elevator would be operational again this Friday after replacement of the elevator car and other associated repairs were completed.
Unfortunately, steel deficiencies in the elevator shaft have been discovered. There is rust corrosion on supporting structure steel beams and the safe operation of a new elevator is in jeopardy.
Therefore, the outdoor elevator near the lobby entrances at Building 3 will not be in operation for some time. I apologize – but I cannot define “for some time” any better than that at this point. I will keep everyone updated as to status.
District staff are working the issue very hard but this will take some time to get resolved. The point of contact for questions, concerns and comments is Dan Sarouhan, District Facilities Project Manager, at sarouhand@smccd.edu, and ext 6844.
Take care –