Hello – no doubt everyone knows the construction of our new Building 4 is underway and we’re all feeling the disruptive impacts it is having on the campus. Well - - - I have another one for you.
In order for Hensel Phelps Construction to begin their work to tie-in existing underground utility lines with those needed for Bldg 4, they will need to expand their fencing that runs along the outdoor stairway in front of Bldg 3 (outdoor stairway that runs between Bldg 3 and our old Bookstore).
Starting Tuesday, February 17 – that outdoor stairway everyone’s come to love for so long in front of Bldg 3 will no longer be available. If you need to get to or from the lower end of campus (i.e. the area where our athletic fields and portable classrooms are located) . . . . you will have to use a new outdoor stairway on the backside of Bldg 3.
This map shows the new pedestrian paths of travel that will have to be taken around Bldg 3. The new stairway (in the vicinity of our old archery range) will be have lights and signage will be everywhere to direct pedestrians.
Unfortunately, the Bldg 3 elevator is still under construction and not available for use. April 1 (April Fool’s Day) may be the earliest it becomes operational again.
Questions and concerns should be directed to our Skyline Swinerton staff, Ed Westland, ext 7037. westlande@smccd.edu – or – Zak Conway, ext 7042, conwayz@smccd.edu.
I apologize for the late notice. Please enjoy your well-deserved long weekend – be safe. Thanks.
Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College, 3300 College Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066
(O) 650-738-4166 (C) 650-642-4974 (F) 650-738-4113