Hello everyone – construction of our new Building 11 (Automotive Transmission Facility) will be getting underway this month. Hensel Phelps Construction, the general contractor for our Building 11 construction, will need to mobilize their crews, establish equipment and material laydown areas, and begin excavation and infrastructure work. In order to do this, they will need to isolate the construction area by erecting fencing to safeguard the campus from construction activities - all the while creating safe passageways for pedestrians and vehicles. Unfortunately, this means disruptions to trafficability and parking as we know it.
Please open this file – it illustrates what parking spaces will be impacted in Staff Lot 1. Notice the conversion of student parking spaces to staff parking spaces [51 spaces] in Student Lot 9 to compensate for the staff parking spaces lost in Staff Lot 1.
Effective Monday, March 9, 2009, parking spaces in Staff Parking Lot 1 will no longer exist as we know it now – and thoroughfare thru Staff Lot 1 will also no longer exist. Additional staff parking will be made available in Student Parking Lot 9. Also, pedestrian access to Building 1 from Staff Lot 1 and exit from Building 1 to Staff Lot 1 will be limited to the Building 1 loading dock (vic the Gallery Theater) entrance/exit only.
Swinerton will be posting preliminary warning signs in the Staff Lot 1 area this Friday to start ‘sensitizing’ those affected with the impending Staff Parking Lot 1 closure. This closure will be permanent and the parking spaces lost in Staff Lot 1 will not return after construction of Building 11 is completed (Spring 2010).
Questions concerning parking and traffic concerns should be directed to Lori Adrian at adrianl@smccd.edu or Mike Celeste at celestem@smccd.edu.
Questions about the construction of our new Building 11 and the impacts the Hensel Phelps construction will have in this quadrant of the campus can be directed to Zak Conway, Swinerton Project Manager, at conwayz@smccd.edu or ext 7042; or Mony Thach at thachm@smccd.edu or ext 7053.
Please, please, please be careful when driving this part of campus after this closure of Staff Lot 1 goes into in effect – traffic will be ‘chaotic’ – allow yourselves some extra time.
Sorry folks – I wish I had some good news for you in this soggy rainy period. Take care -