Hello everyone – with the construction of our new Building 4 getting underway – there are underground water lines that need to be moved. Hensel Phelps Construction has agreed to do this during a period that impacts the campus the least. Water will have to be shut off to some of our buildings and facilities in order for them to do this.
On Sunday, March 15, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., there will be NO WATER in Building 2, Building 3, and Portables 3A thru 3E. This means toilets will not flush, no water from the sinks, and no drinking fountain water within those buildings and facilities only.
Swinerton will be post signage on all the restrooms in Building 2 and Building 3 to redirect people to the restrooms in Building 1 and Building 6. If you have questions or concerns, you can direct them to Zak Conway, Swinerton’s Building 4 project lead at ext 7042 or conwayz@smccd.edu.
I apologize for this inconvenience. Please be careful around all the construction areas. Thanks -
* * C H E C K I T O U T * *
If you want to look at a live webcam view of the construction of our new Building 4, please click on - http://www.smccd.edu/accounts/smccd/departments/facilities/SKY_B3WebCam.shtml