Hi everyone - construction of our new Building 11 (Automotive Transmission Facility) is getting underway and there is much site work to be done. Hensel Phelps Construction, the general contractor for Building 11, will need to make some electrical connections so the construction site will have power and lighting. This will result in temporary disruption to traffic passing through Parking Lot 9.
Please open this file – it illustrates what parking spaces will be impacted in Parking Lot 9 and where the parking lot will be closed off. With the closed section of the parking lot – vehicles will not be able to permitted to pass through the length of Parking Lot 9
Between Tuesday, March 24, and thru Thursday, March 26 - - - thoroughfare thru Parking Lot 9 will be blocked.
Questions concerning parking and traffic concerns should be directed to Lori Adrian at adrianl@smccd.edu or Mike Celeste at celestem@smccd.edu.
Questions about the construction of our new Building 11 and the impacts the Hensel Phelps construction will have in this quadrant of the campus can be directed to Zak Conway, Swinerton Project Manager, at conwayz@smccd.edu or ext 7042; or Mony Thach at thachm@smccd.edu or ext 7053.
I apologize for the inconvenience and the short notice here. Thanks -
Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College 3300 College Drive San Bruno 94066
(o) 650-783-4166 (f) 650-738-4113 (c) 650-642-4974