Hello everyone – me again. Construction of our new Building 4 is progressing nicely. Hensel Phelps Construction, the general contractor for Building 4, will need to make some underground site utility improvements along the north side of Building 5, north side of Building 6 and across the Loop Road in front of Loma Chica. In order to do this, they will have close Parking Lot 6 (our disabled person parking lot) and limit traffic on the Loop Road by Building 6 so they can trench and lay new utility services to Building 4.
Please open this map – it illustrates the impacted areas [dark orange shaded area in the photo] due to their trenching . . . the loading dock of Building 5, loading dock of Building 6, Parking Lot 6, and a section on the Loop Road.
Starting on Monday, April 6 and continuing through Saturday, April 11 - - - there will be no access to Parking Lot 6 and the two loading docks in that area. Swinerton and Hensel Phelps Construction will make sure the area is cordoned off to preclude any vehicles from parking or entering the impacted area prior to April 6.
Questions concerning parking and traffic concerns should be directed to Lori Adrian at adrianl@smccd.edu or Mike Celeste at celestem@smccd.edu.
Questions about the construction of our new Building 11 and the impacts the Hensel Phelps construction will have in this quadrant of the campus can be directed to Zak Conway, Swinerton Project Manager, at conwayz@smccd.edu or ext 7042; or Mony Thach at thachm@smccd.edu or ext 7053.
With a string of Construction Notices lately – it’s very easy to get them all mixed up – I do. You can always view announced ‘Construction Notices’ at http://www.smccd.edu/accounts/smccd/departments/facilities/SKY_Notices.shtml
As a refresher – next week (Spring Break) – in addition to this notice – we will be experiencing –
- Monday, April 6: CAMPUSWIDE POWER OUTAGE – no lights, no heat, no cooling, no ventilation, no email, no internet, no intranet. Pacific Heights, Loma Chica the CDC will have lights and heating only
- Monday, April 6: BUILDING 1 – NO WATER – should you happen to be in Building 1 – there will be no water – toilets will not flush, water fountains will not run, sinks will not work
Please, please be careful due to all the construction on campus. If you get an opportunity to be away for the Spring Break – have fun and enjoy. Thanks -
* * * * * C H E C K I T O U T * * * * * * * * *
If you want to look at a live webcam view of the construction of our new Building 4, please click on - http://www.smccd.edu/accounts/smccd/departments/facilities/SKY_B3WebCam.shtml
Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College 3300 College Drive San Bruno 94066
(o) 650-783-4166 (f) 650-738-4113 (c) 650-642-4974