Hello everyone – it’s me again - our new Facilities Maintenance Center up on the hill behind the baseball field is progressing nicely and looks to be on schedule for completion sometime this summer.
In order to get some high power (12kV) electrical work completed during this phase of construction, another campus power shutdown is necessary to make power disconnects and reconnects at the site and at the new power transformer south of our Track which powers the campus. We asked John Plane Construction to schedule the power shut down so as to minimize any impacts on the campus . . . and this week of Spring Break on a Friday after hours is the best time to get this work done.
The campus will be without power on Friday, April 10, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. (total outage = 4 hours). Depending upon the backup power capabilities of our various ITS servers on campus, this power outage could mean there will be no telephones, data services, or computer internet capability during this outage period. Loma Chica, the Child Development Center, and Pacific Heights will not be affected by this power outage; however, telephone or computer data service (internet, intranet, & email) could also be affected during the outage.
If you’re working this week - I would strongly suggest the following before leave on Friday:
- Power down all office equipment to include computers, printers and copiers before leaving your work areas.
- Turn lights and other power switches off.
- Notify intrusion alarm monitoring companies about the planned outage.
If you have questions, you can contact the Skyline Swinerton Project Manager, Ed Westland, at ext 7037, or westlande@smccde.edu.
We will have Engineering staff on campus supporting this outage and restoring power to all facilities as soon as we can. ITS personnel will also be on campus monitoring phone, computer service and data communications links.
Please be safe and extra careful driving around all the construction sites on campus. Thanks –
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With the seemingly never-ending series of Construction Notices lately – it’s easy to get them all mixed up. You can always view announced ‘Construction Notices’ at http://www.smccd.edu/accounts/smccd/departments/facilities/SKY_Notices.shtml
* * C H E C K I T O U T * * * * * *
If you want to look at a real-time view of the construction of our new Facilities Maintenance Center (Buildings 22, 23, and 24), please click on –
Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College 3300 College Drive San Bruno 94066
(o) 650-783-4166 (f) 650-738-4113 (c) 650-642-4974