Hello everyone. It is time to start reshaping the parking lots on the north side of campus. Construction in our Staff and Visitor Parking Lot 7 will be the first in a series of construction efforts toward that end. Hensel Phelps Construction, the general contractor for our parking lot improvements, will get construction underway during the Summer months so as to least impact the campus and hopefully have all the parking improvements completed before the new academic years starts again.
Please open this file – it depicts the impacted area in and near Lot 7 [orange shaded area in the photo] due to their construction . . . you can see where student parking spaces in Lot 5 will be repainted and signed for staff, faculty and visitors to make up for the lost parking spaces in Lot 7. However, if you are coming onto campus via the Sharp Park entrance, you will have to travel the entire Loop Road counterclockwise to get to Lot 5.
Starting on Tuesday, May 26 and continuing for six weeks to July 7 - - - there will be no access to Parking Lot 7. Swinerton and Hensel Phelps Construction will make sure the area is cordoned off starting this weekend to prevent any vehicles from parking or entering the impacted area prior to next Tuesday when everyone returns.
Questions concerning parking and traffic concerns should be directed to Lori Adrian at adrianl@smccd.edu or our new Chief of Public Safety, Brian Tupper tupperb@smccd.edu.
Questions about the construction in this quadrant of the campus can be directed to Zak Conway, Swinerton Project Manager, at conwayz@smccd.edu or ext 7042; or Mony Thach at thachm@smccd.edu or ext 7053.
Please, please be careful due to all the construction on campus. Be safe during this coming Memorial Day weekend – have some fun and enjoy. Thanks -
* * * * * C H E C K I T O U T * * * * * * * * *
If you want to look at a live webcam view of the construction of our new Building 4, please click on - http://www.smccd.edu/accounts/smccd/departments/facilities/SKY_B3WebCam.shtml