
Construction NoticeConstruction NoticeConstruction NoticeConstruction NoticeConstruction NoticeConstruction NoticeConstruction Notice

Hi everyone – progress is coming along nicely with regard to our parking lot improvements.  Hensel Phelps Construction and their sub-contractors have been doing a fantastic job with getting the work underway, all the while minimizing the impacts on the campus to the best of their abilities.  Parking lot construction and improvements are no easy task on a college campus while classes are in session.

Please open this file – it depicts the parking lots that are currently and will be undergoing some construction improvements over the next four weeks. 

In chronological order – here’s what going to happen with the affected parking lots –

  1. Lot 7 – reopens on Monday, July 20  [after eight week closure for staff, students and visitors]
  2. Lot 2 – closes on Monday, July 20; reopens on Friday, July 27  [one week closure for students]
  3. Lot 9 – closes on Friday, July 27; reopens on Monday, August 3  [one week closure for staff, students, Auto Program]
  4. Lot 8 (Staff) – closes on Monday, August 3; reopens on Monday, August 10  [one week closure for staff]
  5. Lot 8 (eastern half) -  closes on Monday, August 3; reopens on Monday, August 10  [one week closure for students and disabled persons]
  6. Lot 8 (western half) – closes on Monday, August 10; reopens on Monday, August 17  [one week closure for students]
  7. Lot 5 (western half) – reopens on Monday, August 17  [after six week closure for students]


When this is all done – we stand to benefit due to the increase in the number of parking spaces on campus for staff, students, visitors, and disabled persons by approximately 10% in the parking lots that were under construction.  There will be a mix of compact (8.5 feet wide) and standard (9 feet wide) size parking spaces, some improvements in lighting and landscaping, and re-surfacing of the pavement in the parking lots.

Questions concerning parking and traffic concerns should be directed to Lori Adrian at or Brian Tupper at

Questions about the construction work in the parking lots on campus can be directed to Zak Conway, Swinerton Project Manager, at or ext 7042; or Mony Thach at or ext 7053.

I apologize for the inconvenience but I know you can understand why we are pressing to get this done before the Fall Semester gets underway.   Please be careful.  Thanks.

Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College   3300 College Drive   San Bruno    94066
(o) 650-738-4166 (f) 650-738-4113 (c) 650-642-4974


Facilities Planning & Operations
Phone: (650) 574-6512
Fax: (650) 574-6574

San Mateo County Community College District
3401 CSM Drive
San Mateo CA 94402

Construction Planning Department
Phone: (650) 358-6785
Fax: (650) 358-6764


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OmniUpdateLast Updated: 5/17/07 9:58 PM