Hello everyone – there is some pavement repair work directly behind our Theater that is required to keep rainwater from leaking onto our Theater stage and areas beneath our stage. This work will be taking place in the area between the Auto Department and Building 1. That area will be fenced off and not allow pedestrian traffic to our Upper Quad from that direction of campus. Conversely, exiting the Upper Quad toward and through the Auto Department area will be blocked.
Pedestrians will have to pass through Buildings 1 and Building 8 while this exterior passageway is closed. The passageway will be closed to pedestrians until March 1.
The exterior stairway that leads onto the second level roof of Building 1 and to the 3rd floor entrance of Building 1 (near Administration offices and Art classroom ) will be open.
If you have questions or comments, you can contact the Skyline Swinerton Construction Manager, Jack Herbert at ext 7037, herbertj@smccd.edu.
I regret to inform you of this temporary inconvenience – but we’ve got to keep water from further damaging our Theater. Please be careful around the construction sites. Thanks.