Hi everyone – in order to get some high voltage power (12kV) electrical work completed on campus, a campus power shutdown is necessary to make complicated and dangerous power disconnects and reconnects at electrical load center on campus. We asked Hensel Phelps and Decker Electric to schedule the power shut down so as to minimize any impacts on the campus . . . and the week of our Spring Break was determined the best time to get this work done.
The campus will be without power starting on Saturday, April 3, at 7 a.m. to Saturday, April 10, at 5 p.m. (total outage = 8 days).
This translates to all buildings on campus will have no lights, no heat, no air circulation, no telephone service, and no computer service.
While Pacific Heights, Loma Chica, and the Childcare Center will have power for lights and heating units, they too will not have telephone, data services, or computer internet capability during this outage period because the ITS servers will be turned off on main campus.
On your last work day prior to the Spring Break week - before leaving campus - I would strongly suggest the following:
- Make alternative arrangements for any lab specimens or products that must be sustained by a cooled or heated regulated temperature.
- Remove all perishable items from faculty, staff, and lab refrigerators.
- Power down all office equipment to include computers, printers and copiers before leaving your work areas.
- Turn lights and other power switches off.
- Notify intrusion alarm monitoring agencies about the planned outage (Bldg 2 and Bldg 5 offices).
If you have questions or are in need of any support as you get ready for this week-long power outage, you can contact the Skyline Swinerton Project Manager, Jack Herbert, at ext 7037, or herbertj@smccd.edu.
We will have Facilities Engineering staff on campus the entire Spring Break week supporting this outage and restoring power to all facilities as soon as we can at the completion of Hensel Phelps’ and Decker Electric’s work. ITS personnel will also be restoring phone, computer service and data communications links once the O.K. is given to power their systems back up.
Enjoy your Spring Break week. Take care -
Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College 3300 College Drive San Bruno 94066
(o) 650-738-4166 (f) 650-738-4113 (c) 650-642-4974