Hello everybody. As a reminder - you will receive a Construction Notices every week for the next 4 weeks during the Summer. The Construction Notice will have an accompanying map depicting the upcoming week’s PHASE in construction. There is a lot of the paving and quad site improvement work going on and Hensel Phelps Construction is pressing to get it done before the start of the Fall Semester. There are obvious major impacts to the campus – but everyone’s been good about handling them to date.
Here we go – here’s PHASE 6 (there will be a total of 10 phases) -
Starting on Monday, July 5 through Sunday, July 11 . . .
- The Loop Road will be continue to be closed at Bldg 6 and Bldg 7
- If you are coming on to campus from the Skyline Boulevard entrance (past Marisol) -
- You can only get as far as Pacific Heights and the Childcare Center if you turn right at the T-intersection
- Turn left at the T-intersection and travel the Loop Road clockwise for the rest of campus
- If you are coming on to campus from the Sharp Park Road entrance -
- You must turn right at the T-intersection and travel the Loop Road counter-clockwise to all campus areas
- You cannot turn left at the T-intersection due to construction of our new Turnaround Circle on the Loop Road in that area
- The Loop Road will be continue to be one-way traffic from Lot B to Lot F (clockwise travel on the Loop Road due to the Bus Stop on the Loop Road at Bldg 2)
- Bus Stop (samTrans Routes 121, 123, 140) will continue be on the Loop Road on the south side of campus
- Lot D will continue to be closed
- Quad between Bldg 2 and Bldg 3 will continue to be closed (passenger pathway constructed between Bldg 2 & Bldg 3 through that area)
- Bldg 2 loading dock area will continue to be closed
- Landscape area behind Bldg 7 will continue to be closed
- Landscape area for new water feature on north side of Bldg 1 will continue to be closed
- Lot H will continue to be closed
- Lot J will continue to be closed (please - only Swinerton and CPD vehicles in front of Loma Chica)
- Lot K will continue be closed (only open for delivery trucks to the Bldg 5 and Bldg 6 loading docks)
- Lot E will continue to only be accessed in the direction coming from the Baseball Field (clock-wise direction on the Loop Road only)
- Lot C will be continue to limited to one-way traffic at its west entrance (traffic coming from the Vista Point will have to traverse through Lot C due to the Bus Stop on the Loop Road at Bldg 2)
- Lot N will continue to be closed
Please, please , please open the attached pdf file – it is a campus map that provides a good graphic picture of the chaotic conditions we face. It depicts the closed areas (yellowish- orange) due to construction and pedestrian pathways (blue lines) through some of the closed areas.
Questions or concerns should be directed to our Swinerton Team Chief, Jack Herbert, at ext 7037, herbertj@smccd.edu, or Mony Thach, at ext 7053, thachm@smccd.edu.
Some good news? – sorry – I don’t have any again this week. The impacts you experienced the past couple of weeks will be the same we experience next week.
Be careful out there – construction vehicles and equipment are everywhere. Thanks.
Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College 3300 College Drive San Bruno 94066
(o) 650-738-4166 (f) 650-738-4113 (c) 650-642-4974