Hello everyone – the construction of the new quad area between Building 2 and Building 3 by Hensel Phelps Construction is progressing nicely and will be a welcome improvement from what we had previously.
There are some water line connections that need to be made and this will require the water line feeding Building 2 to be temporarily shut off. Swinerton purposely asked Hensel Phelps Construction to do this work on a Friday because it minimally impacts the campus during our Summer Session.
On Friday, July 16, there will be NO WATER in Building 2 - from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. This means toilets will not flush, no water from the sinks, and no drinking fountain water within Building 2.
Swinerton will be posting signage on all the affected restrooms to redirect people to the restrooms in Building 1. If you have questions or concerns, you can direct them to our Swinerton staff, Jack Herbert, at ext 7037, herbertj@smccd.edu; or Mony Thach, at ext 7053 or thachm@smccd.edu.
I apologize for this temporary inconvenience. Please be careful around all the construction areas. Thanks -
Richard Inokuchi
Facilities Operations Manager
Skyline College 3300 College Drive San Bruno 94066
(o) 650-783-4166 (f) 650-738-4113 (c) 650-642-4974