Hi everyone – Phase II of the Bldg 6 Interior Renovations is set to get underway.
In preparation for this phase, the area in front of the Dining Area fireplace and area around the Staff Lounge will be closed in with plastic tonight Thursday, May 3.
The Staff Lounge will still be accessible through tomorrow, May 4. PLEASE remove any personal items and food by 5:00 pm tomorrow, May 4.
The Student Lounge (Rm 104) and the Cyber Cafe (Rm 102) will be closed beginning Monday May 7 through June 15.
Questions or clarification should be directed to Swinerton Project Manager, Zak Conway, ext 7362 or conwayz@smccd.edu. Yes – ‘Zak is Back’!
I apologize for the inconveniences this project will cause and the temporary unsightliness. Take care -