Facilities Maintenance Center Urgent Infrastructure Repairs
We need to begin urgent repairs to damaged network/telecom/power conduits for the Facilities Maintenance Center (FMC) and Yard which connects to the main campus. This wiring controls campus building functions and are critical for our operations.
My apologies for the short notice, however, the contractor is available to immediately begin this project and due to the urgency, this project will begin Monday March 11, 2013 and it is anticipated to be completed by April 4, 2013.
Impacted Operations:
Lot A – limited portion of the lot at the rear will be reserved for staff parking.
Lot C – East entry will be subject to closure during construction processes, this will also block access to the FMC and Yard.
The Learning Grove of Trees is the terminus for this conduit project. There will be some construction which should have minimal impacts to users of the baseball field and the tennis courts. We apologize for any potential noise impacts.
Please observe all construction barricades and road closures as appropriate.
Please follow direction from traffic control personnel when present.
Deliveries and Yard access will be through the waste site frontage road up the hill to the FMC and Yard. Please exercise caution on this narrow road which is normally a one-way road. There will be no traffic control personnel. EXERCISE CAUTION WHEN TRAVELING THIS ROUTE!
Questions, comments or concerns can be directed to Dave Haw, Project Manager and Facilities Manager at Ext 4166, or hawd@smccd.edu
Thank you for your patience and understanding.