There are two construction projects that will begin during the Spring Recess April 1st through April 5th:
Building 5 Stairs to driveway and Building 6 loading dock stairs.
Currently between Buildings 5 & 6 there is a steep concrete pathway used by custodians to get recycle totes to the driveway. This is also used as a shortcut by students, faculty and others. This is a very steep walk way so stairs are being added to the pathway between the buildings as a safer route.
The second part of this project is to add stairs for staff use only at the loading dock.
We apologize for any noise impacts; we anticipate the majority of noise issues occurring on Monday and/or Tuesday.
For those of you fortunate enough to not be on campus this coming week have a great Spring Recess!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Dave Haw
Facilities Manager
Skyline College – San Mateo Community College District
3300 College Drive – FMC Bldg. 21, San Bruno CA 94066
Tel: 650-738-4166
Email: hawd@smccd.edu