PG&E is planning to replace power poles and replace switches which will result in no power on campus on Sunday June 2, 2013 from 7:30am to 5:00pm.
Please plan accordingly for this event. Please make plans for critical materials or equipment that will not have power during this period. PG&E hopes to complete required repairs swiftly to minimize the power shut down to our campus. There is an imminent potential for an unexpected power outage if this equipment is not replaced soon.
Please inform anyone who may have any materials, experiments, electronics or other power dependent assets that will be affected by the power outage.
Please email any special requirements or assistance that you may require and Facilities attempt to assist you with a solution for your issue. My apologies for this planned service outage. I will update you immediately regarding any changes or issues that arise as soon as we are informed,
Thank you for your cooperation! Dave
Dave Haw
Facilities Manager
Skyline College – San Mateo Community College District
3300 College Drive – FMC Bldg. 21, San Bruno CA 94066
Tel: 650-738-4166
Email: hawd@smccd.edu