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Goals, Objectives, and Responsibilities:

  • Increase communication and resource-sharing across the District and College-based institutional planning and research offices
  • Coordinate and collectively participate in cooperative research to support the planning and research needs of the Colleges and District, when appropriate
  • Work collaboratively with Information Technology Systems (ITS) staff and college stakeholders to ensure data integrity, reporting and analytics platforms (e.g, Banner, Argos, SAP BusinessObjects) are effective and accessible to all who need them
  • Provide leadership in liaising with relevant stakeholders and organizations within the District to resolve issues impacting institutional research and reporting functions
  • Support the development of consistent approaches for conducting research and evaluation in key research areas including but not limited to student equity, enrollment, demographics, productivity, student success, persistence, graduation and transfer outcomes
  • Advise and recommend the development of information reports that have district-wide applicability
  • Identify common College and District needs for information in support of strategic planning and accreditation requirements
  • Make recommendations to Chancellor’s Council regarding business policies and procedures related to institutional research and planning
  • Constitute the District’s Internal Review Board and review, monitor, and approve research on subjects or data governed by the San Mateo County Community College District 
  • Identify and recommend professional development programs and opportunities in research and planning
  • Assess, evaluate and recommend staffing levels and other resources required to provide essential institutional research capabilities and functions




  1. Meetings are open to any interested College or District employees.
  2. Meetings are held semi-monthly and the calendar of meetings are set at the first meeting of the academic year.
  3. Agendas and minutes will be available on the District Planning and Research Council shared OneDrive account.
  4. DPRC receives general direction from the Chancellor’s Council concerning strategic policies and priorities.
  5. DPRC reports to the Chancellor’s Council through the Chair.
  6. The DPRC’s charge is reviewed with the Chancellor’s Council annually and modified as required.