Purpose of Fact Book
In order to provide transparent and regular communication with the Board of Trustees regarding the District’s progress on the Strategic Plan, the District Fact Book serves as the District Scorecard identified in the Strategic Plan.
This scorecard will be updated annually to reflect all of the core indicators and metrics, with three year trends, as well as other pertinent information about the district and the county. This Scorecard will inform the annual presentations to the Board of Trustees on the Strategic Plan.
In order to best track our progress toward success, equity and social justice, as well as to inform accreditation, the District will conduct a cycle of evaluation that includes annual reports from all three colleges, with a three-year district comprehensive review of the plan and progress to date: Spring, 2017 annual, Spring 2018 annual, Spring 2019 comprehensive evaluation of the Strategic plan.
The Strategic Plan is the commitment to dedicate our fiscal and human resources to increase success, equity and social justice for all students. The Scorecard is a means to measure our progress toward those goals.