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What is CurricUNET

CurricUNET is an Internet-based software application designed to automate and enhance the development and approval of curriculum in a multi-campus District. Faculty use simple menus and a text entry to develop course and program proposals online. Our district contracted with CurricUNET to replace the various manually prepared forms, review and approval processes that are carried out by colleges’ personnel with a web based curriculum management system. It provides more accurate and expedient data entry, processing, review, and approval. CurricUNET is the warehouse and source for curriculum course and program information, historical, active and proposed. It will also contain the articulation information of other colleges and universities that have agreements with the college when it is first fully implemented. In addition, we are using CurricUNET to manager our program review process.

Key features of the current CurricUNET system:

  • The system is fully web-based. All of the entries, reviews, reporting and approvals are done via Web pages that are accessible via the world wide web.  Although data can be easily captured from and downloaded to a number of Office products (such as MS Word), the data is maintained exclusively in CurricUNET. Old cumbersome manual forms are eliminated.
  • Data entry and processing is dynamic and interactive. As web pages are submitted to the system, they are immediately processed and appropriate source information is updated. Error conditions are reported in real time.
  • Data entry is table driven, that is; specific codes, selections and conditions are selected from lookup tables that are maintained in the system. This reduces the chance of inputting errors. It also provides a ready list of options for the user.
  • All data elements are kept in a state-of-the-art relational database. This allows for easy access and processing, especially in developing and processing reports. Databases eliminate redundant data and make for a higher level of accuracy.
  • The system provides an intelligent access to the various Web pages, providing a sequenced navigation. Not only can a user select various Web pages in a random fashion, the user can follow a system control of the sequence of Web pages that provides the normal workflow steps of a given activity.
  • The system provides interactive Help instructions. When a user needs help, an icon on the screen or by the specific field can be clicked and a pop up screen with appropriate instructions are displayed. These instructions are developed and maintained by college personnel and can contain text, diagrams, example screens and hyperlink to other help sources such as reference manuals.
  • All of the review and approval processes are done within specific approval windows. That means that only approval actions for a specific function can only be accomplished in a specified window or span of time. When a previously defined approval step is accomplished, the next step’s function must initiate approval within a set number of work days. This window is controlled by the system and can only be changed by the system’s designated administrator.
  • When various actions are taken through an approval workflow, automatic notifications are emailed to appropriate recipients. These messages can be accumulated or sent real time according to the recipient’s wishes.
  • The progress of course and program change proposals can be process tracked, that is; as a proposal proceeds through an established series of review and approval steps, the various steps that it has been through and the actions taken can be viewed on a Web-based workflow diagram that shows all of the process steps.
  • The system provides curriculum version control. As course and program change proposals are approved, they become active in the appropriate term year as approved and become history if replaced. All versions of the course or program are maintained: active, history or pending approval. Even if a course number is changed for a given course, the ability to track history of the course is maintained.
  • As data is input, field checks are performed. Not only do data fields have to comply with specific data requirements, other fields linked to the input field, may influence the type of error checking that is performed.
  • The system maintains a transaction log.  Specific fields are tracked and the date/time and user that made the change is maintained in the system. This tracking is used to alert the system of changes that were made after various approval steps are made and provide notification of the change.

CurricUNET Implementation
In 2009, the CurricUNET Steering Committee was formed with representatives from key areas of the three colleges and that of the district. The committee is chaired by Vice Chancellor, Educational Services and Planning. The purpose of the committee is to establish goals, milestones, and guide the implementation process. In addition, the district has allocated resources to provide training and tech support/troubleshooting. The Administrative Analyst in the instructional office of each college are administrators of the system.

Cañada College CSM Skyline District Office
Alicia Aguirre
Professor, ESL Curriculum Cmt Chair 306.3222
Laura Demsetz
Professor, Engineering Curriculum Cmt Chair 574.6617
Christine Roumbanis
Professor, Business Curriculum Cmt Chair 738.4248
Eric Raznick
Director, IT 358.6703
Phat Minh (Frank) Nguyen Le
Curriculum and Instructional Systems Specialist
Ada Delaplaine
Admin Analyst 574.6406
Maria Norris
Admin Analyst 738.4332
Jing Luan
Vice Chancellor 358.6880
Jennifer Castello
Interim Dean, Humanities 306.3350
Susan Estes
VP, Instruction 574.6404
Regina Stroud
VP, Instruction 738.4321
Chialin Hsieh
VP, Instruction
Kevin Henson
Dean, Creative Arts & SS 574.6581


Steve Thyberg
Vice President, Technology
101 Technology Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401
PH: (208) 522-1225; FAX: (509) 479-1854

Ray Hernandez
Professor, Respiratory Therapy, Skyline College
President, District Academic Senate