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Automated External Defibrillator (AED)


Assess the scene for safety before approaching the patient

Assess the scene for safety before approaching the patient

  • Follow universal precautions
  • Assess airway, breathing, and circulation. If there is no sign of circulation (normal breathing, coughing, or movement), call 911 and obtain the AED

  • Perform CPR until the defibrillator is applied

  • Turn on the AED – follow voice prompts



  • Stop CPR
  • Apply AED Pads to patient’s bare chest (it may be necessary to shave chest hair)
  • Immediately resume CPR while the machine analyzes heart rhythm
  • Follow AED prompts until EMS arrives



  • Continue CPR while the Second Rescuer applies AED Pads to victim.
  • Apply pads to the patient’s bare chest (it may be necessary to shave chest hair)
  • Continue CPR while the machine analyzes the heart rhythm
  • Follow AED prompts until EMS arrives




Semi-Automatic Configuration:

Requires manual press of the “shock” button to deliver the defibrillation. Ensure no one is in contact with the patient prior to delivering the shock. Use, “I’m clear, you’re clear, we’re all clear”, prior to delivering the shock to the patient.
Fully Automatic Configuration:

Does NOT require a manual press of the “shock” button to deliver the defibrillation. The AED will alert the rescuer that the AED will deliver a shock. It is the rescuer’s responsibility to ensure no one is touching the victim prior or during the delivery of the shock. Use, “I’m clear, you’re clear, we’re all clear”, prior to the AED delivering the shock to the patient.
  • Clear area, making sure no one is touching the victim
  • Push the shock button when instructed by the Semi-Automatic Configuration, or ensure no one is touching the patient during the Fully-Automatic Shock delivery. The device will analyze and shock up to three times
  • After three shocks, device will prompt to check pulse (or for breathing and movement) and if absent, start CPR.
  • If pulse and/or signs of circulation such as normal breathing and movement are absent, perform CPR for one minute.
  • Device will countdown one minute of CPR and will analyze when CPR is over
  • Continue to follow voice prompts until EMS arrives



  • AED Responder working on the patient should document and communicate the following information to the EMS provider:
  • Patient’s name
  • Time patient was found
  • Initial and current condition of the patient
  • Past Medical History
  • Assist as requested by EMS personnel



  • Complete documentation of the sudden cardiac arrest event no more than 24 hours following the event
  • Give all documentation to the Office of Emergency Management and the Director of Public Safety
  • OEM will contact the AED vendor to download event data from AED. Do not remove the battery
  • OEM, Director of Public Safety, or designee shall conduct emergency incident debriefing as needed.