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Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 8

National preparedness efforts are now informed by Presidential Policy Directive (PPD)-8, which was signed by President Obama in March 2011, and describes the nation’s approach to emergency planning and preparedness. This directive represents an evolution in our collective understanding of national preparedness, and implements lessons learned from previous threats, including terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and cyber attacks. 

The approach to national preparedness as defined by PPD-8 centers around five mission areas: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery.


Prevention is the action that Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) utilize to prevent, avoid, deter, or stop a threatened or actual incident from occurring.


Protection focuses on ongoing actions that protect students, teachers, staff, visitors, networks,  property, and the environment from a threat or hazard, including acts of terrorism and man-made or natural disasters. 


Mitigation describes the steps taken to eliminate or reduce the loss of life and property by lessening the impact of an event, and/or reduce the likelihood that a threat or hazard will occur. 


An effective response to a threat involves speedy action to save and protect lives, property, and the environment, establishing safe and secure conditions, and facilitating the transition to recovery. 


A timely restoration of the learning environment after a threat or emergency has occurred.  

These mission areas generally align with the three timeframes (before, during, and after) associated with an incident. To help avoid confusion over terms and allow for ease of reference, hereafter these will be referred to as “before”, “during”, and “after.”