Active Shooter/Violent Intruder Emergency Checklist
Run, Hide, Fight
In the event of an imminent threat to your safety from a violent intruder, please be familiar with the following procedures:
- RUN: When there is an active threat.
- Have an escape plan and route in mind
- Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow
- Leave your belongings behind
- Once you are safe, call 911
- HIDE: ONLY if escape is not possible
- Lock and barricade the door
- Avoid hiding near windows. Close the blinds or cover the windows if possible.
- Silence your cell phone
- Turn off the lights
- Remain calm and quiet
- FIGHT: Only as a last resort and if your life is in imminent danger
- Attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the intruder
- Act as aggressively as possible; commit to your actions
- Throw items and improvise weapons ( a fire extinguisher can make a good weapon)
- Coordinate your actions with others, if possible
Police Response
- As soon as it is safe to do so, notify law enforcement by calling 9-911 (911 from non-campus phones)
- Remain under cover until the threat has passed or you have been advised by law enforcement that it is safe to exit.
- Do not approach emergency responders; let them come to you
- Raise both of your hands over your head when approached by emergency responders. This is the universal surrender signal.
- Follow commands given by the officers.
- Make sure that registered cell phones have been activated (in silent mode) to receive campus emergency notifications sent through the AlertMe system.
- Do not sound the fire alarm unless there is a fire. Fire alarms prompt individuals to evacuate a building. Evacuation during an active threat can place more people in harm's way.