Preparing for an Emergency
Things to Do & Know - On Campus
Call 9-1-1 for emergency assistance. Know the locations of our Public Safety Officers and save the DPS Dispatch phone number (650) 738-7000 or dial ext. 7000 from district phones.
Save the Department of Public Safety's Contact Number: (650) 738-7000 or ext. 7000
Become familiar with building evacuation plans and the name/location of your Building Captain.
Identify the location of Emergency Assembly Areas (EAA) outside campus buildings | AED Locations | Emergency Evacuation Chairs | First Aid & Trauma Kits (Advanced Bleeding Control). All information can be found on Building Evacuation Maps found in every building on every floor.
Download the SMCCCD Emergency Action Plan for on-the-go information.
Personal Preparedness Guide
Disaster Supply Kits
72 Hours Supply
Home Supply Kits
Food Supplies
Hygiene & Medical Supplies
Hygiene Supplies
For Hygiene include a bar of soap, liquid dish detergent, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, tissues, toilet paper, and sanitary napkins should be included in your kit.
Medical Supplies
Your Medical kit needs to include a complete first aid kit. These kits may be purchased from a number or sources or put together piece-by-piece. Remember to include any prescription medications that your family takes. Also include a written list of prescriptions, allergies, and your doctors’ address and phone number. You should have a first aid kit in your home, one for each car, and in your office.
Tool Kits, Supplies & Special Items
The following supplies and tools should also be stored in your home supply kit:
Water Supply
Evacuation Plan
Learn how to prepare for an evacuation and evacuate an area safely. View evacuation maps for all three SMCCCD campuses.
Ensuring Access and Functional Needs
Especially for people with disabilities, planning and preparation are the keys to being as safe as possible in an emergency.
Situational Awareness
Practicing situation awareness can help prevent an emergency. Learn some tips to practice situational awareness that can be used on campus and in your everyday life.
Suspicious Behavior and Personal Safety
Learn how you can take steps to protect yourself and ensure your offices, buildings, and belongings are safe and secure, and what to do if you notice any unusual and/or threatening individuals or noises.
Identifying Suspicious Packages
It is important to identify the type of mail your department typically receives and to be aware of the identifying characteristics of a possibly life-threatening item.
Emergency Medical Equipment
The San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD) First-Aid SOP utilizes state and local regulations, industry training requirements/standards, and expert medical direction required to establish the program standard. Additionally, SMCCCD First-Aid Kits are compliant to OSHA and ANSI standards.