Hazardous Material Incident/Suspicious Odor
If a chemical spill occurs or if you detect gas, chemical fumes, or any other suspicious odor:
- Arrange for someone to meet the emergency responders
- Follow instructions provided by the emergency responders
- Evacuate to your assigned Evacuation Assembly Area (EAA) if necessary. Remain there until attendance has been taken and you have been released by emergency responders.
- Notify Maintenance Customer Service at (650) 723-2281
- Notify Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) at (650) 725-9999 if you have not done so already
- See our Hazardous Material Business Plan →
Do not attempt to clean up a spill or release unless you are trained to do so, know it is safe, have the proper equipment, and the spill is less than 30 ml (1 ounce). See more about Chemical Spill and Spill Response Procedures →
If the incident is a health-threatening release
- If the incident is indoors, close all doors in order to isolate the area, if it is safe to do so
- Yell for help from others. Go to a safe area and call 9-911 (911 from non-campus or
cell phones) and Public Safety at (650) 738-7000 (ext. 7000). Provide the following
- Your name
- Telephone number
- Location of the spill/leak (building, floor, room number, etc.)
- Name of the material
- Quantity of material involved
- Time of the incident
- If anyone is injured or exposed to material
- If a fire or explosion has occurred
Note: Do not hang up until the dispatcher advises you to do so
If the incident is not a health-threatening release
- If the incident is indoors, close all doors in order to isolate the area, if it is safe to do so
- Yell for help from others. Clean up the spill if it is less than 1 ounce (30 ml), and you have knowledge of the material and proper equipment and training
- If larger than 30 ml, the spill has entered a drain, or you need assistance cleaning
up the spill, call Public Safety at (650) 738-7000 (ext. 7000) and provide the following
- Your name
- Telephone number
- Location of the spill/leak (building, floor, room number, etc.)
- Name of the material
- Quantity of material involved
- Time of the incident
- If anyone is injured or exposed to material
- If a spill has escaped to the environment (drain, outside, etc.)
- If an individual has been contaminated:
- Remove contaminated clothing, if applicable
- Use eyewash or emergency shower for a full 15 minutes to flush the affected area with water
If suspicious odors, gas, or chemical fumes are noted
- Call Public Safety at (650) 738-7000 (ext. 7000) and provide the same information as above
View Hazardous Materials Spill Emergency Checklist →