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Museum of Tolerance Teams

The primary activity of the participants is to attend the MOT training in Southern California. It is proposed that all participants be asked to commit to participation in follow-up activities with their campus community, in their classes and/or at the District subsequent to their trip. A group of 30 employees are selected District-wide. Selection criteria are determined by each campus and the Chancellor’s office individually to determine participants and wherever possible should reflect a balance among new hires and veterans, disciplines or areas of expertise and gender.


Participation is voluntary for those who have not already attended MOT training.  Regular classified staff and administrators must have compelted their probationary period. Full-time tenure faculty are eligible.  Adjunct faculty members who have worked for the District for at least six continuous semesters are eligible to participate in MOT. Preference is given to full-time tenured faculty.

Human Resources Department coordiantes all logitstics for each employee, including transportation, meals, and lodging at no charge to the employee. Please note that HR is not able to make any flight changes 30 days prior to departure. Employees have a single occupancy room. A mandatory in-person pre-orientaiton and post-debrief are provided as par of this training. Employees do not use their own accrued leave time nor will they earn overtime pay for this trip. Participation in MOT program experience is in person as part of this training.

The group demographics and appointing authority participation as follows:

7 Cañada College Employees 

  • 3 faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate President
  • 3 classified employees appointed by Classified Senate
  • 1 administrator appointed by College President

7 College of San Mateo Employees

  • 3 faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate President
  • 3 classified employees appointed by Classified Senate
  • 1 administrator appointed by College President

7 Skyline College Employees

  • 3 faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate President
  • 3 classified employees appointed by Classified Senate
  • 1 administrator appointed by College President

7 Chancellor’s Office Employees (District Administration building, Information Technology Services, Auxiliary Service, and Facilities Planning and Operations)

  • 3 classified employees appointed by Classified Senate
  • 2 classified employee appointed by AFSCME
  • 2 non-represented employees appointed by Human Resources