
Auxiliary Services of the San Mateo County Community College District is the central coordinating organization with departments that provide indispensable services to the students, staff and faculty and community. Our sole purpose is to support the missions of the three Colleges and District as they pursue educational excellence.

Auxiliary Services & Enterprise Operations unifies all of the District’s enterprise services into one organization. Reporting to the Director of Auxiliary Services, the organization includes the college bookstores, college print shops, dining and banquet services, coffee cafés, campus vending, rental operations in the college dining halls and daily Athletic Centers operations for approximately 7000 student, faculty/staff and community members. The Athletic Centers are located at College of San Mateo and Cañada College.

District enterprises noted here are self-sustaining. The income generated covers costs associated with salaries and daily operating expenses. Financial surpluses are reinvested in the enterprises to up-level the services offered, while assuring continued facility maintenance. General fund dollars are not used to subsidize District enterprise operations.