Parking Regulations
Parking is on a first-come, first-served basis in the San Mateo County Community College District except for specific spaces reserved for visitors, staff and the disabled. The District provides parking on its facilities but accepts no liability for vandalism, theft, or accident.
No Student or Visitor Parking Permits required
- Traffic and Parking Regulations
- Enforcement
- Appealing a Parking Citation
- Parking Permits
- EV Charging Stations
No Student or Visitor Parking Permits required
Parking will be open without any permit requirements in all designated "Student Parking Lots". We can assist with answering any parking related questions at (650)738-7000.
Traffic and Parking Regulations
Traffic and Parking Regulations (including unauthorized parking in disabled parking spaces) are enforced at all times under the jurisdiction of the San Mateo County Superior Court. Pedestrians have the right of way at all times. For more details on Traffic Regulations, you may refer to Item 8.48 (Traffic Regulations) of the San Mateo County Community College District Rules and Regulations.
Parking is permitted only on blacktop surfaces in specifically marked parking spaces. Parking on unpaved areas, in roadways, in areas posted as no parking zones, or in any unauthorized area is prohibited. Driving or parking within the inner campus is prohibited.
Campus speed limit is 25 mph. Where signs indicate a lesser speed, that speed will be the maximum.
Parking, traffic regulations, and the California Vehicle Code (CVC) are enforced under the authority of Section 21113A CVC. In accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 40202, citations may not be informally rescinded by College authorities. Consistent or flagrant violations may cause the vehicle to be towed away at the owner's expense.
Parking Violations for Staff Parking Lots, Red Zones, Green Zones, Yellow Zones, Disabled Parking, Location not designated Parking, parking in two stalls and any valid vehicle code parking violations may be enforced on our district campuses. There is no overnight parking on any district parking lot without special approval from the Public Safety Department.
Citations for parking violations are sent to the Office of Parking Violations weekly. All citations are reviewed by the Office of Parking Violations and must be processed through the Office of Parking Violations procedures. Directions for requesting a hearing are explained on the citation.
Appealing a Parking Citation
Parking citations may be appealed here.
The following reasons are NOT acceptable appeals:
- It is my first day/week/semester and I am not familiar with the campus.
- I do have a (staff) permit, but I forgot to hang it.
- I was only parked there for a few minutes.
- I just parked really quick to use the restroom.
Parking Permits
All parking areas designated "Staff Parking" will require a dash board/hanging District staff permit placed fully visible on the dash board or front facing area of the vehicle.
Employees are permitted to park in any staff/student parking lot in a valid marked/lined parking space.
2025-2027 Staff Parking Permit Issuance
Primary issuance period in-progress through February 7, 2025. Please see Districtwide announcement .
Request a Permit for New Employees, Second Vehicle or Replacement
Please complete Staff Parking Permit Request Form. The maximum number of permits an employee may receive is two. Once approved, Public Safety Dispatcher/s will process the request within one week or less. The requester will be notified by email when the permit is ready and the pick-up location.
Request a Permit for Retirees and External Business Partners
Retiree: Human Resources will process retiree requests. Once processed, the permit can be picked up from the Office of Human Resources at the District Office.
External Business Partner: Those external business partners working regularly at the campuses may request a staff parking permit. The Chief Facilities and Operations Officer will evaluate and consider these type of requests for approval. If approved, the permit can be picked up from Facilities at the District Office.
Please complete a Retirees and External Business Partners - Staff Parking Permit Request Form. Only one permit per person.
Please be reminded that parking in student lots is free and does not require a permit for parking. 2022-2024 Parking Permits expired on February 15, 2025.
EV Charging Stations
Parking in the EV charging stations is limited solely to electric vehicles that are actively charging with a maximum time limit of 4 hours per vehicle and do not require a parking permit.
For ChargePoint chargers: After the 4-hour maximum time limit there will be a $5 fee per hour with a maximum fee of $20 per session.
For Blink chargers: After 4 hours of free charging or once the car reaches full charge, a $3 fee per hour with no maximum will be applied.
Any vehicle parked in an EV space that is not an electric vehicle or not charging will be subject to a citation.