District Strategic Advisory Committee (DSAC)
The District Strategic Advisory Committee includes the following:
- Dr. Aaron McVean, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Planning (co-chair)
- Dr. David Eck, District Academic Senate President (co-chair)
- Cassidy Ryan-White, Skyline Academic Senate President
- Todd Windisch, CSM Academic Senate President
- Gampi Shankar, Cañada College Academic Senate President
- Dr. Newin Orante, Skyline College President (Interim)
- Dr. Manuel Alejandro Pérez, CSM President
- Kim Lopez, Cañada College President
- Ingrid Vargas, Skyline College Dean of PRIE
- Monique Nakagawa, CSM Dean of PRIE
- Dr. Karen Engel, Cañada Dean of PRIE
- Dr. Tracy Huang, Director of Districtwide Research
- Dr. Stacy Nojima Gutierrez, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Planning