CPL Frequently Asked Questions
CPL FAQs for Students
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom. Currently, credit may be earned through External Exams: AP, IB, CLEP, DLPT, or Credit by Exam.
CPL can save you time and money on your educational path.
There is no cost to have your CPL evaluated.
Students who satisfactorily pass an authorized assessment. Currently, authorized assessments may include the evaluation of approved external standardized examinations (AP, IB, CLEP, and DLPT) and Credit by Exam.
Each CPL method will have different options for assessing your prior learning; currently, credit may be earned through External Exams: AP, IB, CLEP, DLPT, or Credit by Exam. Talk with an academic counselor about your prior learning and what works best for your situation.
Credit earned from prior learning may be applied toward requirements for SMCCCD certificates, associate degrees, local general education requirements, Associate Degrees for Transfer to CSU campuses, and CSU GE-Breadth and IGETC (CSU only) requirements. UC campuses and many private institutions do not accept CPL applied before transfer.
CSU – Yes! CPL can be applied to Associate Degrees for Transfer, CSU GE-Breadth, or IGETC (CSU only) and it will transfer to all California State University campuses; however, before you petition for CPL, it’s important to understand the individual CSU campus requirements, where you plan to transfer.
If you’re interested in petitioning for CPL and plan to transfer to a four-year institution, contact those prospective institutions directly to ask what forms of CPL are accepted as transfer credit, an academic or veteran's counselor here can help guide you in the process.
UC – UC campuses and many private institutions do not accept CPL applied before transfer; however, some may award CPL based on military transcripts, and we recommend contacting those prospective institutions directly to ask what forms of CPL are accepted as transfer credit.
CPL FAQs for Faculty & Staff
Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is college credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom.
Research suggests that CPL benefits students and colleges by increasing completion and closing achievement gaps. In California, this means CPL can help the system achieve the goals outlined in the Vision for Success and increase college funding through improving measures on the Student-Centered Funding Formula metrics.
Currently, SMCCCD awards CPL using the following assessment methods: External Exams: AP, IB, CLEP, Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT), and Credit by Exam.
In the future, the types of prior learning for which SMCCCD can award credit will expand. A district-level workgroup is collaborating to design a system that will allow SMCCCD to award credit for non-collegiate instruction including military training and industry-recognized credentials.
CSU – Yes! CPL can be applied to Associate Degrees for Transfer and CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC (CSU only), and it will transfer to all California State University campuses (CalState CPL policy EO 1036). However, before a student petitions for CPL, it is important to review the policies for individual CSU campus requirements.
UC – The University of California accepts some External Exam credit from official transcripts; however, they do not accept most forms of CPL for lower-division transfer courses. Consult the UC Statement of Transfer Credit Practices for more information.
Please note: For private institutions, we recommend consulting their policies on accepting credit for prior learning for “pass-along” credit before applying CPL to transfer requirements.
- Currently, SMCCCD awards credit based on external exams such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams; Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT), and Credit by Exam.
- Credit earned from prior learning may be applied toward requirements for SMCCCD certificates, associate degrees, local general education requirements, Associate Degrees for Transfer to CSU campuses, and CSU GE-Breadth and IGETC (CSU only). UC does not accept most forms of CPL for transfer.
- In the future, military training and non-collegiate instruction will be assessed by discipline faculty using recommendations from the American Council on Education to determine the comparability of prior learning to specific SMCCCD course requirements.
On September 16, 2019, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges approved a revision to Title 5, Section 55050 that redesigns how students at California Community Colleges receive credit for prior learning. The new regulation aims to make the process more consistent and equitable for students who come to community colleges with college-level skills and knowledge acquired outside the classroom.
Yes, SMCCCD’s BP 6.18 Credit for Prior Learning addresses CPL.
If you're interested in bringing CPL to your program, feel free to get in touch at cpl@smccd.edu to set-up a meeting and find out more information.
Contact the CPL Team at cpl@smccd.edu