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Additional Information on External Exams

These charts identify how SMCCCD applies AP, IB, and CLEP credit to associate degree general education area requirements, CSU GE areas, and IGETC areas in the same manner as the CSU system applies AP, IB, and CLEP credit to CSU GE area requirements.

Issues around credit for external exams are complex. Where there is common use for general education areas as noted above, the application of units for admission, the use of external exams to meet major requirements, and more, is complex and specific to the receiving transfer institution.

Each transfer institution determines if or how external exam results are applied. Students are strongly encouraged to speak with a counselor for assistance.

References to use for information about external exams are:

Refer to the college catalog of your transfer destination to learn more about how external exam credit is applied on that campus.


External Exam Scores must be sent to your SMCCD College

Depending on your external exam, you may be able to send your official scores in multiple ways:

  1. Select Skyline College, College of San Mateo or Canada College from the available institutions (Preferred)
  2. Electronically to: 
  3. OR by Mail

    Transcript Evaluation Services   
    C/O College of San Mateo    
    1700 W Hillsdale Blvd.   
    San Mateo, CA 94402  

    Please Note: Official electronic and mailed transcripts must be sent directly from your institution.