The District grants office is responsible for monitoring all of the District’s instructional and student services related federal, state, local, and private grants and contracts. In addition, the grants office monitors all of the districts categorically funded programs and the state and federal financial aid programs and manages all of the federal cash drawdown activity for these programs. It is actively involved in all pre-award, post-award and after-the grant processes and is concerned with ensuring that all categorical and grant funding is obtained and administered in accordance with applicable federal, state and local statute, adheres to district policies and procedures, and complies with audit objectives. Additionally, the office is responsible for coordinating auditor visits and supplying information for all District and program audits.
Grant Information and Resources
Contact Information
Jim Butterfield
Grants Analyst
Instructional and Student Services related Grant and Categorical programs; Grant initiation;
Grant proposal review and submission; Expenditure and Progress Report Review and
Submission; Compliance; District Grants Policy; DUNS and CCR; Audit; Guidance/Information
on Grant Proposal Process; Financial Aid Quality Control, Monitoring
Sue Harrison
Grants Coordination
Districtwide Grants Coordination (Perkins, CTE Transitions, new districtwide proposals);
Districtwide Progress and Expenditure Report Consolidation and Review; Guidance/Information
on District Grants Policy; Grant Opportunity Research and Monitoring
Grace Gulli
Senior Accounting Coordinator
Grant Banner setup; Federal grant draw downs; Mid-year budget increases or decreases;
Grant document administration; Sallie Mae Financial Aid Refunding, Child Development
Center State Reporting; Audit Support; Budget Development Support